Redeem your story
The people of Sabylund Lutheran believe that everyone has a story, and that, through the body and blood of Jesus Christ, no matter what your life's story is, Jesus Christ redeems it so that we can begin to live into the joy of being our whole selves living for the sake of others and the world around us. That's why we celebrate grace, make disciples, and make a difference in our community and the world. This is who we are baptized to be, and what we are called to proclaim! Join your story with ours!
In Christ's name.
Sunday Morning Worship
10:00 am
The congregation that later became known as Sabylund Lutheran Church was organized with 70 members on Friday, June 20, 1856. The first church was built in 1862 in Stockholm. As more members re-located to the bluffs above town, a second location was identified for a church and cemetery. In 1868, the old Sabylund church was constructed and the name, "The Evangelical Lutheran Sabylund Church" was chosen. "Saby" taken from a place in Sweden, and "lund" chosen for the grove of pine trees sheltering the church. The two locations were maintained until 1887, when the Stockholm group decided to join with Sabylund. They sold their building to the Mission Covenant Congregation of Stockholm. The cornerstone for the present building was laid in 1893, and in 1897 the church was completed and dedicated. Mission and ministry has been conducted in and through this place ever since.